Eating Healthy

Whether you’re heading off on a business trip or planning a spring break vacation, traveling requires good health. But time-zone changes, hours on an airplane, and all those little travel-related stressors can affect your immune system. How can you stay healthy while being productive and enjoying your journey? By taking good care of yourself on the road. Here are five tips to help.

Eat Nutritiously: It’s tempting to abandon your typical diet when you’re somewhere else. After all, delicious local cuisine is part of the experience of travel. But indulge in moderation and stick to a healthy diet (like a lettuce burger?) with lean meats, fish and lots of veggies and fruit. This will help to support your body so you can enjoy all those unique experiences.

Exercise: It’s not uncommon to forego exercise when traveling. But a daily workout is essential for maintaining good health, even when you’re on the road. Look for places to walk or go to a local wellness center that offers day passes to members from other areas. Many YMCA location across the country offer opportunities to stay fit wherever you are. Or if you’re visiting your friends or family members, find out if they belong to a facility that offers guest passes that they can use to bring you along for a visit.

Pace Yourself: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you don’t need to try and see it in a day. In other words, slow down, listen to your body, and avoid running yourself ragged on your trip. You’ll find if you take time to savor your experiences, you’ll enjoy yourself more and possibly avoid getting sick.

H­2O Now and Later: Staying hydrated is critical for good health, but especially when traveling. Make sure to drink water throughout the day, and if you enjoy a cocktail in the evening, drink even more water. This will help you sleep properly at night and keep your energy up during the day.

Recharge: Most of us are on-the-go when traveling and often not following the same routines we live by at home. Jumping time zones and lugging suitcases through airports can tax our bodies. One of the best ways to stay healthy is to make sure you get enough sleep. So, if you’re body feels tired, listen to it and get some shut-eye.

Wash Your Hands. This year’s flu season has been a bad one. All the more reason to wash your hands often while you’re on the road. It’s also a good strategy to carry a pack of antiseptic wipes to use on airplane armrests, hotel remote controls, and other commonly touched surfaces.